May 11, 2007

Ashampoo WinOptimizer Platinum 3.30 Unattended

Ashampoo WinOptimizer Platinum 3.30 Unattended | 12 MB

For years, millions of users have depended on Ashampoo's award-winning WinOptimizer series to keep their Windows® installations clean and running smoothly and efficiently. As one user put it, "This package gives you all the maintenance tools that should have been included with Windows in the first place. And it's all so easy to use, you don't need a degree in rocket science to be able to understand it." Ashampoo's WinOptimizer series delivers professional-class Windows maintenance that anyone can use. It keeps your computer free of many kinds of garbage that can slow it down and makes it less responsive. And now you can also use it to defragment your hard disk and tweak Windows system settings that could previously only be accessed by very experienced users. Ashampoo WinOptimizer 3 Platinum is the best WinOptimizer we have ever produced. It includes four completely new modules and many, many improvements.

Registry Cleaner
This module analyzes your Windows® Registry, scans it for old and orphaned entries that are no longer needed and enables you to remove them easily. The new Registry Cleaner now uses a significantly improved search algorithm that finds redundant entries even faster and more efficiently. The report in which the results are displayed has also been improved, making it easier to read.

New Modules
The new version includes four completely new modules. In addition to this there is also a new category, Tweaking Tools, which contains tools with which you can customize and optimize Windows system settings. This is a major addition to the functionality of WinOptimizer that many users have asked for.

Tweaking (Tweaking Tools)
This module provides direct and simple access to a whole series of Windows settings to improve the performance and responsiveness of your computer. Settings include automated logins, Windows Explorer configuration, Windows Media Player configuration, autostart settings, Internet Explorer settings, security and XP firewall settings, response to errors, memory management and Windows Messenger settings. You can even uninstall Windows Messenger, which is not normally possible.

Defrag (Tweaking Tools)
Ashampoo WinOptimizer Platinum 3 comes with a powerful disk defragmenter for quick and efficient hard disk defragmentation. It uses the technology from Ashampoo's ground-breaking Magical Defrag program, which makes it possible to defragment your hard disk without any time-consuming preliminary analysis. You just select the disk and start Defrag - that's really all there is to it!

System Information (Tweaking Tools)
Provides direct access in one place to all the information you need about your Windows hardware and software configuration. Includes detailed information on Processor, Main Board, Display, Drives, Windows, Software, Network, IDE Devices, USB, Memory, Processes and Drivers. You can export the reports to files that you can send to support desks.

Disk Space Explorer
This new module analyzes and displays how the space on your hard disk is used, complete with pie chart or bar chart graphics with different colors for the space occupied by different types of files. You can display the hard disk usage for entire disks, individual branches of directory trees or even individual folders. Disk Space Explorer makes it easy to identify the files and categories that are taking up too much space on your drives. Once you've used it for a while you won't know how you managed to get by without it!

General Improvements:

* Updated user interface with a choice of skins (e.g. Summer, Winter etc.)
* Interactive Online Update
* F1 context-sensitive help now available in all sections
* Password protection - unauthorized users cannot start the program and "tune" your system!
* Task Planner interface with direct access to One-Click Optimization and individual modules
* Windows context menu features allow you to wipe, encrypt, split and join files without starting WinOptimizer
* Warning message when you start the program without administrator rights
* New simplified Internet menu
* The Drive Cleaner has a new "direct delete" function for faster deletion without using the Recycle Bin
* The Registry Cleaner includes new search categories (Open With…, Windows Progress Lists etc.)
* The Internet Cleaner supports now cleanup for all major current browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape 7.x and 8.x, Opera 7.x and 8.x
* And many more...

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